27 Jul 2021

Feedback from our US on-site rep, Lee Brinley from ADEPT Propulsion Technologies Inc. is that Oshkosh 2021 is buzzing. Campsites full; a record number of fly-ins; and shoulder to shoulder visitors. Great to see the pent-up enthusiasm of the flying fraternity (and sorority… watch this space).

Interesting from our perspective is the European presence and interest in our engines, dual mobility where we are well represented, and new airframes in the pipeline – RV15 anyone?

More news as the show progresses. Great to be back!

Visit us at BOOTH 275 in the main display area.


ADEPT Propulsion Technologies Announces Strategic Commercial Agreement with RapidSky LTD at AirVenture 2024…

Oshkosh 2024

We look forward to seeing you in the main display area…

Oshkosh, Wisconsin

It’s time for the world’s most spectacular airshow again…