Latest News
ADEPT Propulsion Technologies Announces Strategic Commercial Agreement with RapidSky LTD at AirVenture 2024…
Oshkosh 2024
We look forward to seeing you in the main display area…
Oshkosh, Wisconsin
It’s time for the world’s most spectacular airshow again…
Training to Expand Production Capacity
We are excited to welcome another intern to our team…
CAMASA & GDED Initiative to Ramp Up Casting Production and Grow Skills Base
An initiative by the CAMASA Gauteng Department of Economic Development has been pivotal in allowing ADEPT to ramp up activities at its casting facility in Brummeria…
ADEPT power for AirCar flying car
Klein Vision is excited to power its flying cars with ADEPT Airmotive’s advanced aviation engines…
Production Slots Available
ADEPT Propulsion Technologies Announces Strategic Commercial Agreement with RapidSky LTD at AirVenture 2024…